Uses of Class

Uses of IslandInfo in com.empireclassic.Remote

Fields in com.empireclassic.Remote with type parameters of type IslandInfo
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,IslandInfo> RemoteEmpire.islands

Methods in com.empireclassic.Remote that return IslandInfo
 IslandInfo RemoteEmpire.getIsland(int islandNumber)

Methods in com.empireclassic.Remote that return types with arguments of type IslandInfo
 java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,IslandInfo> RemoteEmpire.getIslandList()
          Return a list of islands of which we have some knowledge.

Methods in com.empireclassic.Remote with parameters of type IslandInfo
 IslandCoord WorldCoord.asIslandCoord(IslandInfo island)

Constructors in com.empireclassic.Remote with parameters of type IslandInfo
SelectionMap(IslandInfo island)
          Initialize a new SelectionMap to all false values.
WorldCoord(IslandInfo island, IslandCoord coord)