Class Summary |
Criteria |
This class encapsulates the criteria parameters used in many commands. |
Criteria.LowHigh |
EmpireDimension |
EmpireError |
This class provides an abstraction of an error response from the
server. |
EmpireStreamReader |
This class reads a response from the server, translating an
IOException into an Error . |
IslandCoord |
This class is an abstraction of the standard Empire x,y coordinate. |
IslandInfo |
An abstraction of the meta-data about an island. |
MyShip |
NationInfo |
This is an abstraction of the information about a single nation. |
ParamInfo |
Provide an abstraction of Empire game meta-data. |
RemoteEmpire |
This class provides the abstraction of retrieving all data and passing
all commands to the server. |
Sector |
An abstraction of the information about a single sector. |
SelectionMap |
Many commands provide the user a way to restrict the selection of sectors
based on various criteria. |
Ship |
ShipType |
WorldCoord |
YourShip |